Sunday, April 20, 2008

Building complex words from the root words

The 'complex word' building works in the same way the Chinese do it.

The word for animal can be viva since viva means any living thing.

So lets say you want to say "a bird".

Take the word animal/a living thing:


and add it with the word fly (beto):

beto viva

that is how to say bird in Bonko!


Color in Bonko are interesting. There are not many colors but the few colors can be combined to make additional colors.


dark blue

kala nila

light blue

bala nila


aka bila

red and orange

aka kon aka bila

a red and orange clothing

vu te aka kon aka bila

Root Words (Bonko - English) [Press "Ctrl + F" and type in english word to find it!]


a: (Direct Object Particle) at, in, inside, on, to, towards, for

aka: red

ano: love, fond (of), like, affection

anti: instead, opposite, different, (or) else, or, other, otherwise, change, alter, modify, edit


babe: flat, bendable, flexible, card, paper, a flat bendable and flexible thing

bala: white, snowy, pure, plain, light(color), lightness

baka: crazy, foolish, stupid, weird, strange, drunk, turn crazy, make weird

ban: wheat, cereal, rice, starch, bread, dough, pasta, spaghetti, noodles

bata: leg, foot, pace, gait, rhythm, wave, flow, style, fashion, attract, attraction, attractive

beko: 10^51

bente: 5, five

beta: quadrillion, 10^15

beto: wing, fly, flutter, petal

bila: yellow

bola: circle, sphere, ball, wheel, round, ring, loop, circulate, orbit, (go) around, spin, swirl, twist, follow, cycle, cyclical

bon: good, tasty, delicious, simple, positive, nice, right, correct, yes, agree, agreement, OK, cool, improve, fix, repair, make good, thank (you), your welcome, happy, happiness, joy, fun, entertaining, entertainment, game (or any other 'entertainment'), healthy, health, well, heal, recover, help, hello, good bye,

bova: can, able, allowed, may, is possible, possibility, ability, permission, enable, allow, permit


ci: 3rd person separator, exist, real, true, (be) awake, condition, quality

ciki: month, season

cin: heart, mind, feel, emotion, think, sense, touch, tap, press, maybe, (fore) head, probably, perhaps, about(approx.), emotional, mental, estimate


e: (emotional word), (animal sound) ah, ha, uh, oh, aw, well

elo: erotic, sex, sexuality, sleep with, have sex (with), fuck, cute, sexy, handsome,

esa: quintillion, 10^18


ici: hard, solid, stony, rock, stone, metal, mineral, clay

iko: like, as, seem, same, similar

ikono: picture, image, symbol, icon, photograph

ina: (present tense prt.), now, currently, present, today

inka: work, action, active, activity, work, project, operating, create, make, build, function, cause and effect, karma, fate, destiny, write, draw, evolve


jala: water, liquid, fluid, juice, sauce, ocean, pound, sea, river, wet

ji: air, wind, smell, soul, spirit, gas, breathe, breath, suck (in), chi, energy, strength, power, confident, sure, intense, fierce, spiritual, psychic, magic

jila: semi-solid, squishy, squishy substance, paste, powder, gum

jin: money, coin, currency, dollar, finance, financial


ka: Is it true that...?

kala: black, dark, night, shadow, cold, raw (not cooked), chill

kabe: wall, front, face, body, torso, chest, breast

kato: four, 4

ke: who, what, when, where, why, how, which

keto: but, however, only, just, still, yet, nevertheless, sole

kesa: 10^48

kika: 10^9, billion, 1000000000

kili: fruit, vegetable, mushroom

kilo: 1000, 10^3, one thousand

kin: hand, arm

ko: mouth, orifice, open(ing), release, turn on, language, talk, speech, communication, message, conversation, verbal, chat, say, speak, express, show, teach, explain, define, (root) word, call, name, concept, lesson, hole, window, door, portal, gate

kobe: have, possess, contain, receive, get, take, obtain, buy

kon: follow, with, and, together (with), add, addition, plus, +, also, too, even

konba: social, society, community, company, share, public, people

kone: eat, drink, taste, consume, food, edible, swallow, meal

koso: thing, tool, device, machine, something, stuff, anything, object, objectify, matter, material, physical

kule: color, paint, colorful, rainbow

kusa: grass, plant, herb, hair, nails, leaf, tree, wood

kuso: feces, excrement, shit!, bullshit, blunder, mistake, accident, screw up, hurt, sad, sadness, sorrow, pain, injure, damn!, fuck!


len: person, people, human(being), somebody, anybody, personal, of people, humanize

lento: slow, late, sluggish, postpone, delayed

li: he, she, it, that, this, they, them, their, its, his, her, one(pronoun)

lili: small, little, microscopic, young, a bit, short, few, less, reduce, shorten, shrink, lessen

linta: 10^45

lu: 6, six

luna: moon, satellite

lunto: 10^63

naka: inner, center, middle, nucleus, central, deep, core, main, important, urgent, major

nalo: bad, evil, filthy, dirty, gross, wrong, evil, hate, overly complex, unhealthy, sick, negativity, to worsen, to make bad

nan: male, husband, boyfriend, masculine,manly

nana: mother, father, parental, maternal

nanba: number, numeral, digit

neka: million, 10^6, 1000000

nena: 10^57

ni: I, me, we, us, our, my, myself, self, ego, private

nila: blue

ninka: 10^60

no: no, not, none, nothing, negation, zero, 0, null, empty, blank, disagree

noci: (even) if, although, in case, suppose

nona: 9, nine

novo: new, fresh, renew, freshen, rejuvenate

nu: female, woman, female, girl, wife, girlfriend, feminine

nunto: earth, nature, natural, normal, (home) planet, world, ground, surface, land, country, field, below, down, south, under, beneath, skin, shell, bark, outside, peel, shape, figure, lay, sit


ojike: fear, scared, dread, shy, scare

oja: 10^54

ojo: 8, eight

oko: eye, see, watch (out), read, look, seek, search, pay attention, visual, visually, view

ota: septillion, 10^24

oto: hear, listen, audio, sound, noise, voice, ear, ring, play (an instrument)


sa: (Future Prt), come, enter, input, become, arrive, happen, manage to, event, chance, summon, future, tomorrow

san: 3, three

saka: nose, slope, angle, hill, mountain, bump, button

sasoku: left, west, left hand side

sebo: 7, seven

senva: sleep, dream, rest, relax

seta: sextillion, 10^21

si: delete, ruin, spoil, destroy, dead, death, kill, throw away, trash, dirt, pollution, pollute, garbage, subtract, -, minus, subtraction

so: thus, so, that's why, therefore

soba: side, next, then, after, adjacent, near, by (near), behind, back, (rear) end, rear, butt, anus

sola: sky, up, north, upper, top, above, peak, tip, superior, formal, elevate, rise, stand, high, tall, big, large, long, enlarge, lengthen, upgrade, increase, dimension, size, heaven

sona: science, logic, common-sense, reasoning, learn, study, know, knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, understanding, know how to, understand, -ology

sonto: 10^27

sota: 10^42

subete: everything, every, all, anything, the universe, each, sum, total

suno: heat, fire, hot, light, sun, day, cook, burn, star to home planet


ta: cut, split, strike, slice, hit, fight, battle, versus, against, match (battle), brawl, divide, division, compete, competition, fighter, rival, enemy, chew, bite, break, shoot, attack, war, argue, argument

tan: many, much, very, several, a lot, numerous, more, again, make many or much, amount, quantity, multi-

tanjo: from, by (from), pertain, associate, about, relation, relate, relationship, family, because (of), since, origin, seed, penis, vagina, egg, peanut, nut, legume, cause, beginning, start, begin, primal, first

tanla: highest, supreme, (the) most, (the) best, -est

tanli: least, race, valuable, precious, minimum

tasa: cup, glass, box, bowl, container

te: (Possessive Prt.), multiplication, times(math), multiply

teji: suddenly, hurry, fast, quick, swift, rapid, speedy

teka: 10, ten

tela: trillion, 10^12

ten: period(.), (decimal)point, dot, spot, mark, location, area, place

tenbo: time, hour, moment, period

teta: 10^39

ti: you, your, you all, yourself

to: direction, way, truth, believe, trust, method, road, path, reason, skill, technique, manner, system

tona: give, put, donate, send, place, release, emit, cause, transfer, exchange, sell

tono: indoor constructed place, house, nest, den, habitat, home, room, building, urban, domestic, household

tu: two, 2, couple, twice, double, pair, duo


uno: (Past Prt.), one, 1, single, a, an, unite, merge, fuse (together), piece, part, element, particle, atom, complete, full, whole, finish, close, end, turn off, done, past, ago, yesterday, before

uta: 10^36


va: go, move, walk, swim, fly, climb, dig, travel, leave, transport, mobile, movement, velocity, speed, rate, frequency, channel

valu: control, rule, law, lead, (in) charge, order, model, standard, principle, doctrine, command

vasa: reside, inhabit, stay, wait, remain, keep, save, protect, defend, (to) block, stop, hold, pause, continue

veka: 10^30

veto: 100, one hundred

viva: life, experience, conscious, reality, live, (a) living thing, entity

voci: (a) star, comet, asteroid, meteor, meteoroid, meteorite

vola: demand, question, interrogate, ask, request, coerce, beg, bid

vole: away, absent, missing, loss, lost

volo: vital, important, wish, want, must, should, desire, intention, will, goal, pray

vu: clothing, cloth, fabric

vunta: 10^33

The Alphabet of Bonko

Letter: [sound(s) produced]
b: [b/p]
t: [d/t]
v: [h/f/v]
k: [k/g]
j: [j/ch]
l: [l/r]
s: [s/z]
n: [m/n]
c: [sh]

a as in father
e as in get
i as in machine
o as in bold
u as in the "oo" in food
*No capital letters
*The letters' names are the sound they produce
*The name for period is "ten"
*Only two different consonants can be used together
*i is used for y
*u is used for w

All Bonko words are written in this format:

Consonant - Vowel - (Optional N) - Consonant - Vowel - (Optional N)

What is Bonko? An introduction...

Bonko is a minimalistic language with 130 root-words and 14 letters. Root words can be combined to form more complex thoughts. Bonko is a language based on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis which state "the language a person speaks determines how a person understands the world and behave in it". Bonko has simple, yet logical root words. The word "light" also means "heat" because light gives off heat. Bonko was inspired by Toki Pona.

Root Word Origins From Most (top) to least (bottom):

* Latin based (Spanish, Latin, Italian, French, Portuguese)
* Sino-Indo based (Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Hindi)
* Ido-Esperanto based

and a little of...

* Germanic based (Dutch, English, German, and Swedish)
* Toki Pona based

Compare T.P. (Toki-Pona) to Bonko

*T.P. has 120 root words; Bonko has only 100 and can express all thoughts that Toki Pona can.

*T.P. has the consonants: p, t, k, s, m, n, l, j, w; Bonko has: b, t, v, k, j (ch), l, s, n, c (sh)

*T.P. has no word for 'left' or 'right'; Bonko does.

*T.P. has no word for 5; Bonko does