Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Alphabet of Bonko

Letter: [sound(s) produced]
b: [b/p]
t: [d/t]
v: [h/f/v]
k: [k/g]
j: [j/ch]
l: [l/r]
s: [s/z]
n: [m/n]
c: [sh]

a as in father
e as in get
i as in machine
o as in bold
u as in the "oo" in food
*No capital letters
*The letters' names are the sound they produce
*The name for period is "ten"
*Only two different consonants can be used together
*i is used for y
*u is used for w

All Bonko words are written in this format:

Consonant - Vowel - (Optional N) - Consonant - Vowel - (Optional N)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have developed a very basic alphabet - it looks more like a syllabic alphabet than anything - for Bon-ko, and I also have some other ideas to present to you. Email me at or respond here.